
Beginning Entrepreneur and the Patience Game

Today, I talked with a good friend, and our conversation reminded me about how important it is to try.

It reminded me about how many opportunities I have in front of me. Just talking about the uncomfortable facts around my current credit card debt and having passed up a contracting job that would start me at $70k annually, was prickly enough to ignite my engine again.

Over the last month, I’ve been looking for ways, hiding behind tasks instead of taking small steps to create the new things on my list. I’m not dreaming any less. I still have trouble going to sleep – not falling asleep, but making myself turn off and sleep. The ideas haven’t slowed. And I’m not even measuring myself against my peers.

To be honest, I AM measuring myself against successful strangers. I am. And the irony is that any of the successful people I follow are open about their humble beginnings. I know most of their stories.

But for some weird reason, I’ll tell myself that I can skip phases or shortcut or that I won’t have to labor as much as some of them. That perspective doesn’t even make sense.

I think what I have to adjust about my thinking is patience. I want to see immediate returns from my efforts. That’s what I want, but it’s just not realistically how things play out in the entrepreneurial world.

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