
A Lot of Free Learning from Coding Schools and Deciding to Attend Online Full Stack School

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There’s a lot more free learning out there than I thought.

Something that I’m discovering while applying to coding schools is than many of them have free online pre-training/pre-work/prerequisite courses.

When I requested info from Sabio (southern Cali) who has an in-person and online program, I received a response with a link to a free course to learn JavaScript.

Flatiron School was another one that has a free introductory level fullstack course that I was invited to — before I discovered their not a VA-approved school. That kind of sucked too because they have an Atlanta Campus. I could still attend, but it would be completely out of pocket unless I got scholarships and grants. Also no BAH.

But yeah there’s a lot of free out there. I’m still attending one coding school. The big decisions will come down to class dates and curriculum.

Any program not going into ReactJS is out. I’m down to four. Each has online programs available. According to my Voc Rehab Counselor recommends attending schools that offer remote courses, because a plan will be easier to get approved. The reason is that with attending an out of state school, I’d have to prove that a Web Developer course is not available in South Carolina which means I’d have to explain and convince someone of the difference between Web Design and Web Development and also how one or both are trades that beat taught in specialty schools verses a college associates or bachelor’s degree.

Online it is.

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