
Get Y’all Asses Back to Work

I appreciated holidays when I had a full-time, government job.

But now I appreciate when everyone else is at work, so I can get things done. I’m completely aware that this post makes me sound like a terrible person. Understood. Loud and clear. You will not get an argument from me.

I am a selfish asshole who has convinced himself that 20 years, seven assignments, and five deployments earned me the right to live and work on my schedule with minimal interference.

So when holidays come, I just look forward to everyone getting back to work – especially when my primary care doctor gave me a topical prescription for what appears to be eczema but because he didn’t specify a cream or ointment, the pharmacy won’t fill the order until they talk to the doctor or the overworked staff in the form of a phone call initiated by said doctor’s staff who also is not working on today, a holiday.

Here’s me signing off to avoid using more profanities. I think today is gonna be a heavy bag day.

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