PHP Reminds Me That I Don’t Know as Much as I Thought

I should definitely be applying to coding schools.

I don’t have a good reason for dragging ass. Kinda wanted the new to be live in case someone wanted to look me up. Ya know to see what I can put together.

It’s not a an excuse. That’s just what I’m thinking. I don’t want to approach a school empty-handed or like I don’t have any experience at all.

I should have my first paid gig wrapped up Friday. Something in the php is taking me for a ride tho. I guess I don’t understand as much as I thought I did. I can’t get around a some code that forces certain hero images to show on the Blog Page.

I’m really close to just trashing the hero altogether or using CSS to put the correct photo right on top of the one I can’t remove.

Wow how come I didn’t think of that 6 hours ago??


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