Superpower Dream and MRI Results

I dreamed last night I was hanging out with some of the Wrights. We had magical powers.

I’m sure Umbrella Academy is responsible for some of that – which reminds me I’ve never dreamed I had the ability to teleport. Maybe that one’s tough to pull off for the subconscious mind too.

I was clairvoyant and could also manifest things into existence. The latter was my weaker power. There was a part in the dream wear I ran and front flipped off a balcony and made a plate of food appear on the ground before I landed. I was practicing with the ability.

All of us had some level of heightened strength and speed.

Fun dream.

Today, I sit down with the doctor who treats my back. We’ll talk about my new MRI results. It’s been 3 years since the last MRI.

I started having back pain again only 3 months after my last radio-frequency ablation procedure. That’s kind of nuts because the shortest span of the treatment’s effects has been 9 months.

She told me before requesting the MRI that we might do epidural steroid injection. I’m not crazy about the list of things that could go wrong there, but we gotta do something.

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