
Money Epiphany: Tell Me if I’m Crazy

My attorney and I have been pushing forward as much as we can with settling a drawn out divorce. I’m having a pretty serious financial hardship following retirement.

Here’s the situation with my divorce. We negotiated over the summer of 2018 and got a document ready to sign on our 27 Sep 2018. When I got to MS to sign those documents, my legal spouse would not sign them.

This delay caused me to continue paying an amount of child support that was calculated based on my active duty pay check. I think you know where I’m going with this. Well, my spouse and her attorney are actively dragging their feet on progressing with the divorce while every month goes 35% of my gross monthly income – keep in mind, I don’t have a job – is being paid to child support. Are they deliberating stalling settling the divorce? Of course they are. That monthly deposit is gonna be shrinking, and someone has an attorney to pay.

Anyway I started borrowing from my credit to be able to buy groceries in October, roughly. It occurred to me today that as I speed walk to more and more credit card debt each month while my divorce crawls to an end, I have roughly 80% of one year’s worth of current annual gross pay sitting in my TSP account.

And here’s what is f**king insane to me. WHY would sink myself into more and more consumer debt for some unknown amount of time when I have the means to support myself? Just thinking about the interest is really pissing me. (You should see how poorly I’m typing right now).

Two credits with one near maxed and the lowest interest rate between them is 12%. It’s nuts and ridiculous. I’m killing myself to protect some money for 60 year old me??

I don’t give a damn what happens when I’m 60 lol Who cares?? I care about what’s happening when I’m 40. And 45. And EVEN 50. A 10 year window of time is a very respectable amount of care.

So yes, I intend to get myself financially healthy again with my own money.

I HAVE money to invest in myself. It’s already waiting for me. No need for loans. No need to even touch a credit card.

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