
A New Way to Save Answers to the Questions I Asked Online Entrepreneurs

Today was an action-packed day. And by action-packed, I mean information-packed.

I sat in on two weekly live video chats with course instructors for two different courses I’m enrolled. Each Thursday, Pat Flynn hosts a Zoom call for his students and Brad Hussey hosts a Youtube Live call for his students.

On this particular day, I asked them both the same question. I didn’t expect a dramatically different answer. I just wanted both points of view from experts in the online industry.

The question was for the best way to survey or get feedback from Podcasting Blogger email subscribers about the freebies I’m send them at signing up. I genuinely want to provide free content handouts that new subscribers get a lot of value. It’s the value of the free content that will ultimately drive readers’ trust in the paid content later.

Well, both Brad and Pay gave similar answers with different words. In short, they suggested I stick to direct, open-ended questions. After putting the handouts in new subscribers’ hands, I send emails asking things like “What is your biggest struggle with adding audio content?”. With respect to the handouts, I could ask what was most and least useful? What information would you have liked to be included? Pretty short and sweet.

I’m glad I asked because I was planning to have a survey question for each main point. I was gonna do a scale of 1-5 type thing – which I might add somewhere else like to a free or paid course. That’s where that kind of survey is expected.

The biggest gem of the day was discovering a new way to take notes when I get an answer to my question in a live call. I got out the voice recorder app on my iPhone and recorded both of the course instructor’s responses. I saved the recordings and made notes off from them. Brilliant!

Don’t know why I didn’t think of it before.

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