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More People Talking about Audio Options in Blog Content

I’m a part of a ConvertKit community called Creator Pass. Today was our weekly group call hosted on YouTube live.

I came in late but I saw in the chat script that people were talking about audio options for their content. Couldn’t believe it! Like seriously it’s catching on. They were specifically talking about free audio file hosting. I have that on my list of things to put in the handout, but the cool thing is that someone mentioned a source I didn’t know about — Buzzsprout.

I’ve never talked about narrating blog posts in the Creator Pass Facebook that I can remember. But the word is getting out. I was excited and a little panicked, because I know that Podcasting Blogger should be in any conversation on adding audio content to blogs.

Sure, I missed opportunities to name drop my site because I came into the live stream at the tail end. But more important than that was I realized I still don’t have handout eBook or any content to put in curios visitors hands.

That’s the mission of today. Get free stuff out there. No matter how much or how little, get something in the hands of visitors even if it’s just a list of programs and plugins.

I’ve cleared the giant whiteboard and moved out the bean bag couch. Today’s mission is to publish an email lead.

I’m aware that tomorrow is Thursday and I should be publishing the third and final part of the Defining Success Series. I’m sure I’ll get to it tomorrow sometime, but it definitely won’t be recorded and published in the morning. No change. Even with not sleeping tonight that won’t happen.

Tomorrow is also the weekly call for Freelancing Freedom, and I’d like to have questions about how to engage new subscribers to give feedback on the instant ebook they’re getting. I’m sure that with subscriber feedback on the most useful elements of the ebook I can begin to develop course/marketable content.

Again, Podcasting Blogger WILL BE the name that people drop when they’re looking for info on adding audio to their content. I’m getting so many ideas about what people care about in this space from being a part of multiple blogging communities. It’s awesome. Not just because I get to promoter PBlgr, but because I get to use the questions and comments to note what information bloggers are looking for. It’s a well that’s constantly putting out content ideas.

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