
Asking the Experienced for Help

There was definitely work done today. I have to say it out loud to sorta believe it.

I got my mobile landing page fixed. Turns out there’s a meta property that needs to be in the same meta tag as the view scale. It’s “shrink-to-fit=no”.

I’m convinced someone reading this needed to know that.

Today, I sat in on a weekly live session with a coach I’m taking a freelancing class. I got some really good info for how to approach a dilemma. I want to rebuild mikewriting.com with a completely new theme, but PodcastingBlogger.com has no theme at all. I asked more experienced minds which should get my attention first. This is a dilemma because most of the content for Podcasting Blogger is based on what I do with mikewriting.com

The advice I got was to take a step back before launching content and building a site for Podcasting Blogger. A better play is to add a few landing pages to capture info about my audience and the kind of content they’re interested in. Offer them certain handouts or freebies based on how they answer a few questions on the landing page(s).

Definitely make sense. That would definitely help me figure out what questions or roadblocks bloggers have about narrating their posts. I definitely want to produce content that’s useful.

The lesson hear is to ask people. No need to work in a vacuum or reinvent the wheel.

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