The Exercise of Listing Personal and Professional Goals

I wrapped up the second part of Defining Success Series on today. It’ll publish in the morning.

I’m sharing my personal and professional goals. That was a lot harder than I expected. Not the sharing part, but the listing part. I forced myself to pick “finish lines”. I mean I listed the goals with an estimated completion date as X number of months away.

Damn it feels good to see the list on paper. It honestly was kind of a pain in the ass. I’m not a planner. I don’t want to plan things. In fact, having to choose goals at all is outside of my comfort zone.

But the theme on this side of career paths seems to be simple: push yourself beyond comfort to grow – in wisdom, in work, in life.

And if I’m really fed up with spectating others’ successes, I gotta go to places I don’t want to.

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