VA Vocational Rehab Employment Initial Interview

My application for the VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation Program was accepted. I’ll sit down with my counselor on Monday.

My plan is…well, my intention is to stay self-employed and get into a coding school and use my GI Bill. There are two coding institutions that take GI Bill.

This is an area I haven’t gotten much feedback on. Most of my peers when the college route after retirement.

Seems like it’s not a “choose your path off the shelf” system. You’re not guaranteed use of the problem because your eligible. Should be interesting.

Hopefully I can capitalize on bye in-depth entrepreneur programs. It would be awesome to learn accounting and business management without college courses -– and also learning in-person.

That’s what’s cooking at the moment. I took a mandatory career assessment and there no surprises on the results. I’m cut out for creative, and performing careers. In Transition Assistance Program, we took a similar assessment on a Department of Labor website. That one had similar results with an emphasis on journalism and script writing.

We’ll see what happens though. What I want is to get into a coding school. I have apps to develop, web sites to build, and *finger crossed* business to contract with

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