To Do and Web Page Designing in Photoshop

It was really hard to remember the date today. I kept thinking it was Sunday.

At the end of it, I won’t have gotten much done. However, I like the benefit of “time travel” you get from keeping a journal.

Because I want to be able to look back at what I was working on today, I’ll list my present To Do Items:

  1. Edit and Dub over How To Subscribe Video – I put together a a few short clips of mobile video showing you how to subscribe to someone’s blog using their RSS feed. The video shows adding RSS feeds in mobile apps like Flipboard, Newsify, Feedly, and WordPress. I intend to add voice over instructions to it and subtitles too.
  2. Build a Mobile-Only Web Page for – For instagram, I am creating a web page to replace LinkTree as my profile URL. I read on two blogs how you could just create your own web page with multiple links, and I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t thought of it. You just make a WordPress page template with no header and footer, add your links, style however you want it. The create a web page, select that Nate temple, and there ya go. The best part is that now your site gets the page views instead of linktree. BOOM!

That’s what cooking. I’m also sort of learning how to use photoshop for web page design. It kinda feels like it was made for it.

If you’re an Adobe geek, you’re probably thinking “Why not use Adobe XD?” XD is much better at website/web page prototyping, but it doesn’t have any intervention with code editors(except for CSS info and SVG exporting) — even Adobe’s own Dreamweaver. Weird, right?

Also disappointing.

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