
Getting Back to Toastmasters

I miss Toastmasters.

This morning, I had an epiphany about attending the weekly events.

First, a little background: I haven’t been going to Toastmaster club events for over a year. Not because I don’t enjoy them – I love everything about how these events promote improving public speaking. It’s my weight. In about two years time, I’ve gained over 35lbs. I’ve been extremely uncomfortable with my appearance. Even ashamed.

The way we look is a huge part of our presentation. I didn’t want to show up like that.

Today, it occurred to me that by not attending I’m not helping others that could benefit from my knowledge. I mean I got fat, but my ears, eyes, and mouth work fine.

Public speaking is a beast. And for a lot of people it’s a major hurdle. I want to see others win at it. I really do.

But I can’t really help if I don’t show up.

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