
Steel Sharpens Steel

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

I’m excited about doors opening.

I got a chance to network with an entrepreneur in Canada. And even getting set up for the courtesy consult was a little bit nerve-racking. It was like ‘what questions do I ask?’. How do I keep from geeking out and being super technical about their business? I put myself out there, and I’m glad I did. (Of course, I geeked out! It doesn’t take much)

The business of coaching and mentoring is very real. While talking with the person for about an hour, I started to realize that there was a certain level of accountability, check-up-on you that is absent in my entrepreneur journey. I’m not saying I’m ready to pay for that sort of service. What I’m saying is that at this moment, I don’t have access to like-minded —that’s not the right word — I don’t have access to people on a similar path to creating a business, specifically online.

I’ve definitely tried. Well, I try to nudge my immediate circle to kind of reach for something that’s way out in front of them. Regularly, I try to be a good cheerleader to help the people around me stretch their imaginations. It’s in my nature to be that person, so I probably won’t change. But I’ve been wondering if that’s the best use of my energy right now: pushing others toward a place similar to where I am in my dreaming.

On multiple occasions, I’ve heard entrepreneurs who I follow online talk about the loneliness and the hours involved with choosing this path. I think I’m starting to understand the loneliness. Initially, when I heard it mentioned, I thought that they were implying your friends don’t call like they used to because you work so many hours. I thought the loneliness was a symptom of the work hours. It may have something to do with the time, but maybe it’s mostly mental.

I think it’s more of a psychological barrier. And I don’t blame any of my friends. There’s less than a handful of them who don’t have full-time jobs. It was harder for me to dream in that place too. What I mean when I say “dream” is when you seek out a goal or target that has an impact you can’t even imagine. It’s setting out to do something that right now you might not believe you can pull off. (I hope that makes sense) 

I think about how refreshing it is to chop it up with someone online who’s early into the business or freelancing journey, and I’d love to be able to do that at the Starbucks that’s 2 miles from my house. They’re out there. I’m sure the longer I stay in the game the more go-getters I’ll attract.

I might just have to get out this town more often. I don’t know. Or just get out of the living room office more often.

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