The Alarm Clock and Morning Time Blocking

I brought the alarm clock back. It’s part of experimenting with keeping a morning schedule.

I’m waking at 0700.

The 7-8 hour is for drinking an apple cider vinegar and alkaline water, making a Today Top 3 To Do list, feeding my tortoise Annie, and responding to an direct messages. I also take the meds that don’t need food.

0800-1000 is for writing, editing, coding, reading, or whatever is needed to hammer at the top 3 for the day

1000-1200 is the workout and shower block.

1200 is time to eat.

I’m intermittently fasting right now. It’s for dropping weight. I weighed in at 234lbs at the last appointment. Still seems unreal that I got this heavy.

We’re gonna see how productivity goes. I haven’t allocated the rest of the day yet. I’m taking small bites.

I expect that I’ll do some work in one of the 3 online courses I’m enrolled in currently. That’s not an exaggeration. I went a little nuts.

And also I missed a day of daily blogging. I’m not beating myself up about it.

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