
Maybe I need a few more failures to secure my dream epitaph. Is that a thing? A dream epitaph?

Here are some ideas I have:

  • He tried…at everything…seriously
  • He was fearless
  • He didn’t believe in limits
  • May he rest after punching up Heaven’s Welcome Packet
  • He took you for a ride if you asked him his job title
  • He believed resumés  were as obsolete as gasoline
  • He would have asked you about yourself until you were no longer a stranger
  • He insisted daily that everyone in his life celebrate with him
  • He didn’t waste a minute
  • After he began investing in people, he never worried about money again
  • He always reminded Tenniel and Tonio that he was the oldest
  • He would have scheduled a social media ad to welcome strangers to the funeral

Just a few ideas I had. I guess since I’ve declared them out loud, they’re now affirmations.

Is that how that works?


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